Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cooks' Bloopers

Dear Friends

My friend, Dave and his wife - Kathy, are such fun people and you could watch their bloopers here:

Like them? You could just drop your comments at their blog.

I, especially love their recipes.


Singapore Children Not Eating Right

Hi concerned parents and especially mothers...

I just came across this article with the above heading... and the subheading "Mother knows best... or does she?" really put the pressure on us (mothers)!

As if we do not already have the pressure and having to tackle this very issue day in and day out, these headings really put a punch into our faces.

I REALLY wonder who they surveyed. I believe many educated mothers are quite well-informed about nutrition and are constantly exchanging ideas as to how they could better themselves in this area. Everyone should know of the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in their children's diets are crucial. Many can't control their children's eating (myself included) of snacks and tibits since the school or childcare center they go to often "provide" them - at the canteen or birthday goodie bags. I am guilty of allowing my younger son to snack but as long as he's taking his due meals and snacks only after he had his meals, I think it's fine but also in moderate amounts.

The article came with a sample meal suggestion that one may try it out. Even though I know my younger son will never try them at all but if he does, it'll be a VERY SLOW process ... well, better than nothing.

Best of wishes to all struggling mothers out there.
Jennifer @ www.my-personal-development-secrets.com

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Babies Watching Too Much TV

Good Day!

This morning, my attention was skewed to a caption on MSN.com with regards to the above issue.

There's so many debates on this issue and nevertheless, is an on-going issue for every parent.

To find out what are the reseachers are taking about, read the full article.

In my own opinion, it still boils down to how the children learn - what're their ways of learning, calls for different methods of teaching and exposure.

I do admit that my older boy learns from watching educational VCDs and even TV. Yet these same VCDs do not work for my younger boy. While my nieces reacted differently to them and at different stages (in terms of their ages).

With different types of learning styles coupled with different personalities, preferences and tastes in the make-up of individual children (even with siblings); you will have to undertake different teaching plans and tools.

A father was telling me the other day that his older son is left-handed who has a different brain wiring, the boy learns his spellings through color-coded words.

E.g. the word "brother":
The "bro" is in red while "ther" is in blue.

He cannot learn the word even if you first underline "bro" and then underline "ther" with a pencil for him ... which works well with my older son while my younger son is attracted to words with background colors in his favourite color spectrum.

While my older son is independent in his learning, my younger one prefers group learning.

So, when it comes to the issue of how long must a child be exposed to TV ... there's no conclusive evidence as to what guidelines stand true.

My best bet is "moderation" since nowadays, there's more violence and sex on broadcast TV.

Also, outdoor exposure and exercises that help children boast their physical growth and health must NEVER be neglected. What's the point with lots of wealth and knowledge if you do not have the health to help you prolong their uses.

Parents are bombarded with so many research reviews that sometimes they skewed towards one side and lost tract of what's more important - focusing on each child's unique individuality and talents ... not forgetting buidling up their souls too. With materialism, genuine concern for others can easily be lost and thus, more social problems and violence.

.... the verdict still lies with the parents ... who are the ones who have the reign over their children.

God bless!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Making The Best Apple French Toast for Mother's Day

Dear Friends

Still wondering what to do for Mother's Day?

Well, my friends - Dan and wife, Kathy at DVO Enterprises - had just wipped up a video of making Apple French Toast ... try it for yourselves too, Mums ... if your kids are still too young to do one for you.

They also have great tips and recipes for you:

* Start Your Day Right
* Preparing for Breakfast
* Making Meals (Cook'n Demo)
* Friends? (humor)

And much, much more...Check it out here!

Best Wishes for Mother's Day!

Jennifer and family!

P.S. Please feel free to tell your friends about this.